Brett Pinegar

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What Do I Want?

Do you find yourself reacting or creating? One of the biggest moment-to-moment differences between reactors and creators is where we focus. Reactors focus on the problems in their lives–the things they don’t want. Creators give their full attention to what they want to achieve and the work they can do to achieve it.

If you feel like your problems are getting the best of you ask yourself, “What do I want?” And use your talents, resources, and passion to create it.

For example, if I’m whining about my boss being unavailable, I need to recognize that I’m becoming a reactor and then ask myself, “What do I want? In this situation, the answer could be, “I want to have people with greater insight give me feedback on my project.” Then I could go and create by recruiting some mentors to give me feedback.

Best wishes for the journey!