Brett Pinegar

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Use Negative Emotion as a Positive Signal

Most of us have been taught that negative emotions are bad–wrong! Negative emotion are emotional signals that what we are thinking about is in conflict with our core beliefs about how things should work. Use the signal and ask if the belief is really true. There is much more to our minds than conscious thought. The emotions that emerge from our subconscious are another essential and powerful part of our mental facilities. In fact, one reason why rational willpower is so weak is that the prefrontal cortex, is like a calculator in comparison to the supercomputer of our subconscious mind.

Extraordinary individuals have learned to harness their positive emotions to sustain them when times get tough. They understand that the commitment that comes from our emotions is far more enduring than a wish from the rational brain. Negative emotions are also critical. Most of us have been taught that negative emotions are something to avoid–that they aren’t healthy. When in fact, negative emotions are valuable signals from our core that something we are experiencing is in conflict with a deeply held belief about how things should work.

Take a moment the next time you're angry, frustrated, or just down. Ask yourself what belief is signaling it has been disregarded, then ask yourself if the belief is really true. Chances are it's not.